Flight Information


Flight times

Boys Arrival Time - Monday, December 16 to LAX between 8:00am-10:00am
or Burbank Airport Between 8:00am-12:00pm
Boys Departure Time -
Monday, December 23 from LAX between 9:00am-11:00am
or from Burbank between 10:00am-12:00pm

Girls Arrival Time - Monday, December 23 to LAX between 8:00am-10:00am
or Burbank Airport Between 8:00am-12:00pm
Girls Departure Time - 
Monday, December 30 from LAX between 9:00am-11:00am
​or from Burbank between 10:00am-12:00pm

Flight Questions?  Call Rabbi Mendel 805.896.7265; rabbi@jewcsb.com

​  Copyright Tzeirei HaShluchim West Coast Camp. All rights reserved.

Important Notes

THE FLIGHT INFO FORM IS DUE 2 WEEKS BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF YOUR CHILD'S CAMP SESSION!  FORMS SUBMITTED AFTER THIS MAY RESULT IN A $50+ Fee to pay for private transportation.  We will guarantee a ride to/from airport to any child who's form is submitted on time, and whose flights are within the time windows below.  Please contact Rabbi Mendel Loschak 805.896.7265 BEFORE making any ticket that is outside this windos.

1. If your child is flying:  Please be sure to complete the
Flight Information Form.  Form is due on the Monday 2 weeks before your child's camp session begins.

2. We strongly suggest that all campers travel as registered Unaccompanied Minors. Please note that children under 12 must travel as Unaccompanied Minors. We recommend to parents that they pay the Unaccompanied Minor fee at the airport the day of travel because the fee is non-refundable.  You can place Rabbi Mendel Loschak, 805.896.7265 as the adult picking up while registering.  We will contact you before the flight to update you with the actual person picking up. 

3. Please email a copy of your child's itinerary to rabbi@jewcsb.com in addition to submitting the Flight Information Form.

4. If you have any other travel questions or concerns, please contact Rabbi Mendel at 805.896.7265 before finalizing your child's travel plans.